At first glance online you might think finding a new home will be easy but this process can be very time consuming;
Making appointments:
if you choose to represent yourself you will need to make individual appointments with other agents, home owners and current tenants. Most often this means your appointments will be scattered and there will be no continuity in your program.
If you choose Renthouse International as your agent we will make sure all selected properties will be visited on the same day and there is a logical and efficient order in the viewings.
if you choose to represent yourself you will need to arrange your own method of transportation to visit properties. This will be very time-consuming as you will need to take either your own car, your bike, public transportation or simply walk to each individual appointment.
If you choose Renthouse International as your agent we will collect you by car, view the properties and the surrounding areas with its points of interest (such as supermarkets, etc) and drop you off after we have completed the viewing trip.Most good agencies that offer properties prefer doing business with qualified agents like Renthouse International. This means we/you will be prioritized for viewings and favored if and when we submit an offer on your behalf.