What can you expect from us and how does it work;
- An explanation of the Dutch rental market; how it works and what is possible.
- Together define your Search criteria; the more we know, the better we can serve.
- Based on your availability we will schedule appointments for the viewing of the properties
- We will collect you by car and together we will view all selected properties
- If and when you feel one of these properties is a ‘winner’ we will negotiate on your behalf to make sure you get the best deal available
- We will review the rental agreement based on legality and fairness
- We will be present and assist you during the check-in and check-out
- We will offer support throughout the whole tenancy period

PLEASE NOTE: if you feel there is no ‘winner’ during the viewing trip then we will plan the next one! We work on ‘no cure no pay’ so we will keep going until we find you your new home!
OUR FEE: Once a deal has been successfully been made the fee will be equivalent to one month’s rent exclusive of VAT.